
8 Time Management Tips For Franchising

Good Time Management starts with planning and prioritizing. Everyone has only 24 hours in a day, but still, some of us are able to get more done than others. Time management is crucial for all kinds of franchises and at all levels of management. Planning and prioritizing are key to effective time management. Here are […]
Written by Kourtney Kopp on June 28, 2022
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Good Time Management starts with planning and prioritizing. Everyone has only 24 hours in a day, but still, some of us are able to get more done than others. Time management is crucial for all kinds of franchises and at all levels of management. Planning and prioritizing are key to effective time management. Here are eight time management tips for you!

1. Plan short goals

When you plan out short-term goals for the day, you create finish lines that are feasible for you to reach.

2. Breakdown big tasks into smaller tasks

Large tasks can be daunting, but by breaking them down into smaller parts, you can keep yourself from getting overwhelmed. Crossing one piece at a time off your list will eventually result in the whole task getting done.

3. Prioritize and set time limits

Important and time-sensitive tasks should always be at the top of the list. You are most effective when you work on them in the morning before you start to get worn down from the day. Setting time limits for tasks can help keep you motivated and prevent you from taking too long on any one task.

4. Take only what you can manage and delegate what you can

Taking on more than you can manage as one human being is a big contributor to decreased productivity. Delegate what you can to others who can help you and know that it is okay to decline to take on more work if you are already committed to multiple projects.

5. Eliminate distractions and interruptions

Time wasters and interruptions can derail you and kill your productivity. Eliminate time-wasters like social media and commit to avoiding non-work-related websites while you are “on the clock.” Avoid interruptions so you can stay on task.

Organization takes time management but it is always worth it. Set aside time to organize your tasks and projects so you have a clear picture of what needs to get done. Group similar tasks together to keep yourself in the same frame of mind as you knock them out.

7. Remember to take breaks and reward yourself

Breaks may seem like a time-waster; however, research shows they are healthy and help keep you focused throughout the day. Schedule breaks in your workday, and make sure to reward yourself in some way when you complete a task to give you the motivation to keep going.

8. End your work with clarity to begin again

At the end of the day, create a plan for the next day while tasks are still fresh on your mind. When you come into work tomorrow, you will already know what you need to do and can get started right away.

Like all skills that must be developed, time management also gets easier with commitment. You might not be successful at managing your time everyday, however, it is important that you learn what time management strategies work best for you and your team. When you learn and apply these strategies for time management, you will see your work-life balance improve.

Put Time Management Into Practice

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Source: Franchisewire

Reshared from: The Franchise Talk

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