
Cultivate Emotional Intelligence for Franchise Candidates with this CFB Recap

Understanding and nurturing the emotional aspect of candidate interactions is pivotal in franchising. This was the central theme of our closing Conference CFB session, hosted by FBA's CEO Sabrina Wall and FBA Broker Amanda Vargas. The session, titled "How to Get Your Candidate to Break out of Limited Thinking Patterns," was an interactive and collaborative […]
Written by Kourtney Kopp on December 21, 2023
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Understanding and nurturing the emotional aspect of candidate interactions is pivotal in franchising. This was the central theme of our closing Conference CFB session, hosted by FBA's CEO Sabrina Wall and FBA Broker Amanda Vargas.

The session, titled "How to Get Your Candidate to Break out of Limited Thinking Patterns," was an interactive and collaborative experience, engaging participants in a deep dive into addressing candidates' challenges and transforming their thinking patterns.

The necessity for this session stemmed from a common observation: Franchisors and Brokers often give up too easily on candidates.

This tendency is rooted in a lack of engagement with the emotional intelligence aspect of the business. Many professionals in the field take candidates' comments at face value, without probing into the underlying reasons or fears that might be influencing their conversations.

Our topic leaders emphasized that those who successfully navigate the emotional dimensions of franchise transactions are the ones who reach the pinnacle of GOOD franchising.

As Brené Brown aptly puts it, "Leaders must either invest a reasonable amount of time attending to fears and feelings or squander an unreasonable amount of time trying to manage ineffective and unproductive behavior."

Remember that challenges can serve as an evolution of learning, where missed opportunities must be analyzed to understand what could have been done differently. The goal is not to assign blame but to identify the source of the issue for better handling in the future.

You can use the tool “FFFRLL” from our opening session for introspection:

Find It: Identify the issue - Is it you, the Zor, or the candidate?

Face It: Have the courage to confront the issue and discuss it openly.

Feel It: Empathize deeply but also challenge directly - plan for handling similar situations in the future.

Release It: Let go of any negativity, avoiding blame, and focusing on future strategies.

Love It: Appreciate the growth and learning opportunity provided by the challenge.

Love You: Acknowledge your own efforts in addressing and learning from the situation.

This approach encourages proactive communication with Zors to strategize and align on future actions. 

What Ways do Candidates Limit Themselves and Give Into Fear?

To preface this section, we have found that the fear we are about to list are especially prevalent in leads from platforms like LinkedIn, where candidates often express concerns such as having a job, not being sold on franchising, or considering multiple opportunities.

Typical statements include, “I’m somewhat interested in exploring franchises, but I don’t know if it’s for me. I’m also evaluating a lot of other opportunities.

Brokers must recognize that these statements often mask deeper fears:

  • Lack of Knowledge: Fear due to insufficient understanding of franchising.
  • Time Commitment Concerns: Stated as not having enough time, indicating apprehension about the investment of time required.
  • Financial Risk: Concern about losing money in the venture.

Effective Broker Responses to Limiting Fears

When candidates express uncertainty about franchising, the broker’s goal should be to encourage openness to exploring the idea, rather than pushing for a purchase.

Here’s how to effectively respond:

  • Applaud Curiosity: Validate their interest in exploring various options. “I really appreciate that you are analyzing the various options.”
  • Inquire Genuinely: Ask about the types of opportunities they’ve considered and what attracts them to franchising. “What kind of options have you looked at so far?” or “What’s attracting you to the idea of a franchise?”  
  • Address Concerns Positively: Recognize their cautious approach as a strength and offer to educate them about franchising to make an informed decision. “It’s perfectly understandable that you are unsure about franchising, because you're at the beginning of the process and you haven’t learned enough about it to understand the offering yet.  That’s why we are talking. My goal is to help you get educated about the model of franchising so you understand how to assess it compared to other franchises and other types of investments.”  

What to Avoid in Responding

In the context of guiding potential franchise candidates through their decision-making process, certain responses can inadvertently hinder progress rather than facilitate it.

Here’s a deeper look into which responses are counterproductive:

  • Assuming Superiority of Franchising: Avoid statements like “Franchising is a great option,” without understanding their specific needs.
  • Limiting Options: Telling them not to consider anything other than franchising can be off-putting.
  • Over Talking: Dominating the conversation can make you seem uncomfortable and unaware.
  • Repetitive Disclaimers: Frequently saying “I’m not here to sell you” can come across as a lack of confidence.

Embracing Evolutionary Leadership in Franchise Brokering

"How to Get Your Candidate to Break out of Limited Thinking Patterns," marked a significant shift from the traditional approach of franchise brokering. The old way, characterized by giving up on candidates too easily, is no longer viable in today’s evolving landscape. Candidates are changing, and so must our strategies and approaches as brokers.

In this new era, brokers must step up as leaders who are not afraid to confront difficult situations. 

Leadership in franchising is about challenging candidates to see beyond their current perceptions and limitations. It’s about guiding them to new ways of experiencing possibilities and helping them recognize and overcome their fears and limitations. Leaders must invest time in addressing fears and feelings to avoid wasting time on managing unproductive behaviors.

This skill of foresight is crucial in navigating candidates through the initial stages of the franchise process, where fear and uncertainty are most prevalent. By mastering this skill, we enable ourselves to guide candidates more effectively through each stage of their decision-making journey, thereby unlocking their potential and ours.

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